
Bv4 torchat may not be safe
Bv4 torchat may not be safe


pgapack / PGARunGM(8) High-level routine to execute the genetic algorithm using the global model. it is called after pgacreate and pgasetup have been called. pgapack / PGAGetStringLength(8) Returns the string length pgapack / PGARun(8) Highest level routine to execute the genetic algorithm.

bv4 torchat may not be safe

pgapack / PGAGetStoppingRuleType(8) Returns a symbolic constant that defines the termination criteria. pgapack / PGAGetPopSize(8) Returns the population size pgapack / PGAGetSortedPopIndex(8) Returns a population string index from the array created by pgasortpop(). pgapack / PGAGetOptDirFlag(8) Returns a symbolic constant that represents the direction of optimization pgapack / PGAGetPopReplaceType(8) Returns the symbolic constant used to determine which strings to copy from the old population to the new population. pgapack / PGAGetNumReplaceValue(8) Returns the maximum number of strings to replace each generation. pgapack / PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag(8) Returns pga_true if duplicates are not allowed, else returns pga_false.

bv4 torchat may not be safe

pgapack / PGAGetMutationOrCrossoverFlag(8) Returns true if mutation only occurs when crossover does not. pgapack / PGAGetGAIterValue(8) Returns the number of the current genetic algorithm generation pgapack / PGAGetMaxGAIterValue(8) Returns the maximum number of iterations to run pgapack / PGAGetMutationAndCrossoverFlag(8) Returns true if mutation occurs only when crossover does. pgapack / PGADuplicate(8) Determines if a specified string is a duplicate of one already in an existing population pgapack / PGAGetDataType(8) Returns the data type used by the given context. pgapack / PGADone(8) Returns pga_true if the stopping conditions have been met, otherwise returns false. the fortran version of this function call contains only the last three arguments pgapack / PGADestroy(8) Deallocate memory for this instance of pgapack, if this context initialized mpi, finalize mpi as well. pgapack / PGACopyIndividual(8) Copies string p1 in population pop1 to position p2 in population pop2 pgapack / PGACreate(8) Creates an uninitialized context variable. pgapack / PGACheckStoppingConditions(8) Returns boolean to indicate if the pgapack termination conditions - pga_stop_maxiter, pga_stop_toosimilar, pga_stop_nochange - have been met.


Libpam-systemd libpango-perl libpeas-1.Set6x86 / 6x86_reg(8) Register dump utility for cyrix 6x86 crack-common / Crack(8) Programs to break password files crack-common / Crack-Reporter(8) Programs to break password files lcdproc / LCDd(8) Lcdproc server daemon makedev / MAKEDEV(8) Create devices fdutils / MAKEFLOPPIES(8) None modemmanager / ModemManager(8) Modem management daemon mysecureshell / MySecureShell(8) Command network-manager / NetworkManager(8) Network management daemon pgapack / PGAChange(8) Repeatedly apply mutation to a string (with an increasing mutation rate) until one or more mutations have occurred. Systemd-ui tasque gromit xfsprogs reiserfsprogs exfat-utils btrfs-tools Systemd systemd-sysv tali telepathy-gabble telepathy-logger

bv4 torchat may not be safe

Libsystemd0 libtalloc2 libtbb2 libteamdctl0 libtelepathy-farstream3 Libpam-systemd libpango-perl libpeas-1.0-0 libpeas-common libphonenumber6


These are the kind of things you would have found out, if you did your research.Ĭode: Select all ROOT# apt-get install -s gnome | grep systemd But that does not mean that "a GUI depends on a certain init system". Since there is no other implementation of these interfaces, the gnome metapackage in Debian Jessie has to depend on the systemd package. Or more precisely: It needs something that implements the dbus interfaces provided by logind. And Gnome (the desktop enviroment) needs one of those other things, logind. It contains the init system called systemd, but it also contains other things. But the systemd package is not an init system.

bv4 torchat may not be safe

The gnome metapackage (indirectly) depends on the systemd package. Furthermore, these packages can contain other things besides the GUI and the init system. A GUI (desktop environement would be the better term, but whatever) can be contained in one or several packages and an init system can also be contained in one or several packages. A GUI isn't a Debian package and neither is an init system. If you mean "depends" only in the strict sense that "one Debian package depends on another Debian package", then "a GUI depends on a certain init system" doesn't make any sense.

Bv4 torchat may not be safe